
AxDroid Development Continues...

It's been a long time... I haven't been able to even access my axdroid workspace files for a long time due to a busy personal life (military service, marriage etc...). But apparently the news are good for the AxDroid project. I have to give thumbs up to Paul Burton and Max Fierke who continue to develop this project. It seems that Paul managed to upgrade AxDroid to Froyo and add some really nice stuff, like making the project much more easy to load on your Dell Axim. And as it seems sound is also working. From now on, the official wiki for AxDroid is: You can check out the progress and get the latest builds there. There's also a git repository for the project. Good job guys.

Kernel Patches For AxDroid Alpha

Finally I had some spare time again to work on what I promised. Not much of an improvement here, but at least I want to share my kernel patches that made AxDroid Alpha image possible. Please be warned that the patches are mostly "dirty hacks". I used some code and knowledge from various sources including; DellAximX50 project Porting Steps for Android on Asus P535 The patch applies to the "android-2.6.29" kernel branch. You can get it with the following command: $ mkdir android $ cd android $ git clone git:// kernel $ cd kernel $ git checkout --track -b android-2.6.29 origin/android-2.6.29 Then download the AxDroid patch: 0001-AxDroid-Dell-Axim-x51v-patches.patch Then you can apply this patch to your local kernel source: $ git am 0001-AxDroid-Dell-Axim-x51v-patches.patch To build for Axim X51V: $ make aximx50_static_defconfig $ make

First AxDroid Alpha Image

I know it has been a long time but finally I was able to prepare an alpha image of AxDroid. It's basically the same thing that I showed on my video. I worked on bluetooth and sound for some time, but still they don't work. So to summarize this alpha has the following basic features: - Tested and works only on Dell Axim x51v (Please be careful about the exact version!) - Based on Android Cupcake 1.5-r2 - Kernel 2.6.29 (original cupcake has 2.6.27) - Boots through HaReT from WinMo - Touchscreen works (can be improved a little bit) Not working: - Power Management - Audio - WiFi - Bluetooth - 3D Chip - Compact Flash (actually did not try this) Basic Instructions: WARNING! - All of the information, instructions, and recommendations on this web site are offered on a strictly "as is" basis. This material is offered as a free public resource, without any warranty, expressed or implied. In particular, any and all warranties of fitness for use or merchantability are disclaimed...

Update On Progress...

Just writing to update you guys on the progress so far. I have been very busy with work commitments lately, so there's not much progress. But now I'm trying to cleanup my work and will post an experimental image and some instructions soon (I hope :)). Just need some more time. I also want to clarify some things that are asked: 1. I use HaRet as it's seen in the video. (Don't know how to make it work by flashing the rom yet) 2. I tested this only on x51v (that's what I have). It would certainly need some minor modifications to work on x50, x50v or x51. 3. I will make the source code available. There's lots of interest in this project and there are really kind words towards me. I appreciate it. Up until now I refused some donations that were kindly made to me, because I didn't want money for something that I cannot promise. But if you feel you really want to contribute, I will accept them from now on.

Android is working!

My Dell Axim x51v was a precious device when I first bought it. But with the recent developments in the mobile devices, it became old fashioned. But it is still one of the best devices out there with VGA screen and 624 Mhz CPU. So for a few weeks I was trying to run Android on it. I chose the "cupcake" branch, which contains a software keyboard. Without it Android would be useless on my Dell Axim. And finally, I was able to make it boot. The touschreen works! The keyboard works. I mapped some keys to act as the Menu and Back buttons. Also the D-Pad is fully functional. Of course the device is not yet fully functional, WiFi, power management etc... There are still problems. But I am happy with the progress so far. Check out the video: AxDroid - Android on Dell Axim x51v from Ertan D. on Vimeo .