Android is working!
My Dell Axim x51v was a precious device when I first bought it. But with the recent developments in the mobile devices, it became old fashioned. But it is still one of the best devices out there with VGA screen and 624 Mhz CPU. So for a few weeks I was trying to run Android on it. I chose the "cupcake" branch, which contains a software keyboard. Without it Android would be useless on my Dell Axim. And finally, I was able to make it boot. The touschreen works! The keyboard works. I mapped some keys to act as the Menu and Back buttons. Also the D-Pad is fully functional. Of course the device is not yet fully functional, WiFi, power management etc... There are still problems. But I am happy with the progress so far. Check out the video: AxDroid - Android on Dell Axim x51v from Ertan D. on Vimeo .